Percussor Therapy helps decrease muscle spasms & trigger points and is based on and rooted in a therapeutic system we all know and love – massage. We’ve all had a great massage, somewhere, at some point. We feel good after a massage because tension is released from muscles. Massage stimulates circulation and blood flow and assists in the draining chemicals and toxins through the lymphatic system, a system of glands located throughout our body.
Benefits of Percussor Therapy
I was visiting Atalanta recently and prior to landing I threw out my back. My pain was excruciating and the lack of movement was causing me to be less productive and just miserable. Anyhow, I found Dr. Amaral’s office on my phone and must say that they are simple amazing. Their office has state of the art equipment and their staff is extremely attentive, kind and informative. I would recommend this office to anyone who needs help.
Think of Percussor therapy as a Power Massage developed by the brightest minds in sports science. In addition to releasing muscular tension and stimulating circulation percussor therapy also provides a gentle stretch, which enhances flexibility, range of motion and performance. Scientific studies support the positive benefits of releasing muscular tension through massage: percussor therapy is the next wave of massage.
The basis lies in proven facts: a controlled disruption to an area that has been stressed creates a faster healing process by drawing more blood and oxygen into that area and stimulating the renewal of cells. Percussor therapy enhances blood flow, awakens the body’s dormant energy and releases stagnation. Professional athletes swear by it because it has been proven to release pain, boost their recovery time and get them back to the top of their game. Though percussor therapy is very popular on the professional athletic circuit, it is available to anyone experiencing muscle soreness who wishes to help boost their healing time.
Most of us are weekend warriors: we don’t train for 6 hours a day, every day. Instead, we head all-out. We test our body’s limits through marathon gym sessions and weekend sports indulgences such as rock climbing, flag football, competitive tennis and the Tuff Mudder style occasional obstacle race.
Let’s face it. Sometimes, we overdo it.
After the endorphin rush exits our system, we may find ourselves mumbling miserably while applying a heat source to our muscles. Next time you experience muscle fatigue and pain, note how much quicker you’ll bounce back. After sufficient hydration and rest, percussor therapy is one of the most effective choices you can make to speed up your healing process. In addition to helping release pain, boost recovery and increase range of motion, it works on our body by relaxing thickened, hardened connective and scar tissue. Its rapid short bursts stimulate our lymphatic system and increase circulation and oxygen, all of which helps us bounce back faster and stronger.
Percussor Therapy vs. Massage:
Unlike Thai massage or deep tissue massage, which can sometimes be painful, percussor therapy is pain relief at its best.
Percussor therapy differs from traditional massage in that by pulsating rapid bursts of waves and pressure, it gradually shocks the muscle fibers until the area is desensitized. Once free from pain, we are able to experience deeper levels of release because we are no longer responding to the tightness and soreness of a painful muscle. Percussor therapy rapidly accelerates the body’s ability to heal and recover by decreasing post-workout muscle pain and cramps.
Percussor therapy involves a handheld device that pulses jolts of gentle pressure onto specific points of our body. This action not only softens muscle tissues that are experiencing stiffness, it also increases the blood flow and alleviates pain, releasing tension from our body. The rapid bursts of pressure waves which are released during percussor therapy create intense vibration at controlled short-duration pulses. The effects are similar to an aggressive deep-tissue muscular treatment except that the mechanist currents of percussor therapy can be adjusted to suit your body type and vibrational tolerance level and percussor therapy doesn’t hurt the same way that an aggressive massage does. With percussor therapy, you don’t experience pain: you only experience the sweetness of relief. Percussor therapy will not endanger your joints or bones. There is no danger of someone using too much of their body weight and strength to manipulate a you back into mobility.
Perfect for those who are Physically Inactive
Percussor therapy is also a highly effective tool with the physically inactive population, such as the elderly. Because inactive folks don’t push themselves physically, they tend to experience muscle tension and pain due to inactivity and misalignment; the neck, shoulders and mid-upper thoracic spine are particularly prone to tension and pain. By providing rapid bursts of pressure, percussor therapy releases this tension much quicker and more effectively than traditional massage.
Everyone can benefit
Professional athletes who experience pain and soreness on a regular basis, weekend warriors, who dive into immersive intense experiences, the daily workout lover and the never-go-to-the-gym person who has a sore back, neck or shoulders. Percussor therapy is great for both chronic and acute tension. It releases pain through stimulating specific body parts with rapid bursts of energy. These rapid bursts desensitize the area, which allows us to receive greater benefit from percussor therapy than traditional massage, which can be painful. Based on the principle of vibration therapy, percussor therapy improves muscular strength, kinesthetic awareness and decreases muscle soreness. The end result is increased oxygen and blood flow, decreased pain, increased range of motion, and a quicker, more effective recovery time.