There are certain times in life when people absolutely know that they should see a chiropractor for care. When it comes to misalignments, injuries and certain long-term conditions, chiropractic care is often even prescribed by your primary care physician.
The rest of the time people generally don’t think too much about seeing a chiropractor or all of the fantastic benefits that come along with effective chiropractic care. The truth is, a chiropractor can certainly help with the things they are most well known for, but there are many other things you may not know that a chiropractor can treat.
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ)
TMJ or TMD is a condition where there is pain in the jaw where it connects to the skull. People who suffer with this disorder can feel pain directly in their jaw, but it may also radiate to the neck, shoulders and back as well as cause headaches.
By relieving dysfunction and tension in the spine, a chiropractor can help to ease the symptoms of TMJ. This is because when dysfunction along the spine is relieved, it lessens pressure on nerves which helps to diminish the pain from TMJ. Depending on the specific cause and disorder, many people need continuing chiropractic care to keep TMJ pain away.
Fibromyalgia is a chronic musculoskeletal condition known for causing widespread pain and tenderness. Symptoms are varied and may include things like headaches, anxiety, depression, fatigue and trouble sleeping.
Chiropractic adjustments can help fibromyalgia patients by treating their pain and swelling. Chiropractors offer an alternative to the prescription painkillers suggested by many doctors and provide benefits such as: reduced pain and inflammation, better flexibility, and an improved range of motion.
Overuse Injuries
Overuse injuries are not acute, they instead happen over time. Most commonly they occur when an athlete (or people in some occupations) use certain tendons, ligaments and muscles day after day for a long period of time. This can cause tightness, inflammation and pain. Some athletes may try to continue to train and play through these kinds of injuries, however this increases the risk of an acute injury.
Training specific muscle groups can leave other muscles unattended to and this can cause asymmetry. A chiropractor can teach you corrective exercises that can develop and protect affected muscle groups to prevent further injuries. Chiropractic adjustments can also be used to help extend an athletes range of motion which can relieve cramps and spasms associated with overuse injuries.
Prenatal and Postnatal Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care is wonderful for its ability to help ease prenatal discomfort. Chiropractic care can also be absolutely imperative after giving birth because chiropractic adjustments are needed to prevent long-term bodily misalignment due to the spreading of the pelvic area which can affect the entire spinal column.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (median nerve compression) is caused by inflammation that puts pressure on the median nerve which runs along the wrist. This can be incredibly painful and cause numbness and tingling sensations. A chiropractor can treat carpal tunnel syndrome using a Class IV Laser to stimulate circulation and decrease inflammation providing relief from pain and other symptoms.
If you are dealing with symptoms from TMJ, fibromyalgia, injuries or other unresolved musculoskeletal issues, North Atlanta Chiropractic Center is here to help! Call or visit online to schedule a consultation today!